High Order Grids – CENTAUR Software

High Order (Curved) Grids

CENTAUR can create quadratic (curved edge) hybrid meshes for increased solution accuracy with reduced number of elements. The curved mesh edges conform to the geometry. The quadratic meshes are well suited for a large number of curved parts, such as pipes and holes.

The high order meshes can be exported via various formats including CGNS. A direct interface to SU2 solver is also available.


  • Quadratic elements especially for boundary layer regions
  • On-the-fly quality control


Quadratic elements are primarily used for curved boundaries. The linear and quadratic grids for a sector of an annular tube with a pipe and the leading edge of a wing are depicted below:
Linear Hybrid Mesh
Linear Hybrid Mesh
Quadratic Hybrid Mesh
Quadratic Hybrid Mesh
Linear Mesh for Wing’s Leading Edge
Linear Mesh for Wing’s Leading Edge
Quadratic Mesh for Wing’s Leading Edge
Quadratic Mesh for Wing’s Leading Edge

Example: High-Lift Aircraft Configuration (DLR-F11 Model)

Quadratic Mesh for Slat and Main Wing
Quadratic Mesh for Slat and Main Wing
Quadratic Hybrid Mesh
Quadratic Hybrid Mesh
Linear Mesh cut in the Slat Region
Linear Mesh cut in the Slat Region
Quadratic Mesh cut in the Slat Region
Quadratic Mesh cut in the Slat Region