Local Control (Sources) – CENTAUR Software

User-Controlled Mesh Clustering (Sources)

CENTAUR allows the user to specify mesh clustering in regions of interest. A smooth size transition is ensured for multiple length scales.



  • Local control of mesh sizes
  • Local use of anisotropic (stretched) elements

Some typical geometric source shapes are shown below:

Hexahedron (Box)
Hexahedron (Box)

Example: Surface Clustering Source

Surface Clustering Source with no sources, illustrated on the first image, and two cylindrical sources illustrated on the second.

9640 faces
9640 faces
13830 faces
13830 faces

Example: Anisotropic Surface Source

Anisotropic Surface Source with isotropic elements, illustrated on the first image, and anisotropic elements illustrated on the second.

No Sources, 9640 faces
No Sources, 9640 faces
1 Anisotropy Source, 3280 faces (66% fewer)
1 Anisotropy Source, 3280 faces (66% fewer)

Example: Prismatic Curve Source

A prismatic curve source has been added to the leading edge to locally reduce the prism thickness.

Leading Edge Prism Source
Leading Edge Prism Source

Example: Aircraft with Cylinder-shaped Source Behind the Engine Nacelle

The mesh in the wake tetrahedra region is clustered using a cylindrical source with varying radius in the axial direction.

Mesh without Source
Mesh without Source
Clustered Wake Mesh Using Sources(2)
Clustered Wake Mesh Using Sources(2)