Hexahedral Layers – CENTAUR Software

Hexahedral Mesh Generation

CENTAUR has the capability of generating hexahedral elements. The hexahedral mesh generator starts by generating quadrilaterals (structured or unstructured) on the surface. These quadrilateral faces are then grown to create layers of hexahedra. The hexahedra match the surrounding prisms and tetrahedra utilizing pyramidal transitional elements, if necessary. Structured quad layers on the surface can also be generated resulting in high aspect ratio meshes that save large numbers of elements.
Cut Through Hex Mesh
Cut Through Hex Mesh
Quad Surface Mesh
Quad Surface Mesh
Hex Mesh for Helicopter
Hex Mesh for Helicopter
Structured Surface Mesh for Cockpit
Structured Surface Mesh for Cockpit
Structured Surface Mesh for Vane
Structured Surface Mesh for Vane
Structured Surface Mesh for Wing-Body
Structured Surface Mesh for Wing-Body
Anisotropic Quads for Wing
Anisotropic Quads for Wing
Hex Mesh for Active Flow Control Slot
Hex Mesh for Active Flow Control Slot