GeoRepair – CENTAUR Software

CENTAUR GeoRepair™

A powerful and unique tool for cleaning CAD geometries. It offers (i) automatic repair operations, (ii) semi-auto repair steps, and (iii) some unique manual cleaning capabilities.

CAD Flaws Fixing – Workflow Process.

Automatic CAD Cleaning Example

Automatic CAD cleaning is performed for the high-lift version of NASA’s Common Research Model (CRM). The imported geometry included several CAD flaws and was fully repaired after applying automatic cleaning.
Identified CAD flaws
Identified CAD flaws
Automatically Cleaned Geometry
Automatically Cleaned Geometry

Reduced User Clicks

GeoRepairTM contains the following semi-automatic tools that allow the user to perform CAD cleaning with very few clicks: (i) Auto-repeat of recorded cleaning actions, and (ii) Composite cleaning actions


Auto-Repeat Cleaning Action Example