X38 Crew Return Vehicle – CENTAUR Software

X38 Crew Return Vehicle

The X38 is an experimental aircraft developed by NASA to test a next generation crew return vehicle to replace the Soyuz capsule as the primary means of returning astronauts in the event of a catastrophe about the International Space Station. The geometry is a lifting body design that has no internal engines and lands with the assistance of a parafoil parachute. A hybrid mesh was created using CENTAUR with prisms in the boundary layer and tetrahedra away from the vehicle.
Surface View 1
Surface View 1
Surface View 2
Surface View 2
Surface View 3
Surface View 3
Hybrid Mesh View 1
Hybrid Mesh View 1
Hybrid Mesh View 2
Hybrid Mesh View 2
Hybrid Mesh View 3
Hybrid Mesh View 3
Flow Simulation
Flow Simulation