CENTAUR Simple and Flexible Grid Generation
A simple and automatic sequence of grid generation is followed also allowing re-usability. The CENTAUR hybrid meshes are optimal based on the requirements of the local geometry and field.
All Mesh Element Types Supported
Complex 2-D and 3-D geometries and fields are handled via employment of the appropriate mesh elements.
Prismatic Layers
Layers of prisms can be created in boundary layers and viscous regions.
Hexahedral Layers
Layers of hexahedra can also be formed in boundary layers and viscous regions.
Tetrahedral Meshes
Tetrahedra are created away from the wall regions. All tetrahedral meshes can also be generated.
Hexahedral Blocks
Create structured hexahedral mesh regions to resolve wakes and vortices and combustion regions.
Triangular Surface Meshes
Triangular surface meshes can be generated employing either isotropic or stretched triangular elements.
2D Hybrid Meshes
2D geometries can be easily meshed using both triangles and quadrilaterals.